
Please remember that your registration is NOT complete until we have received your full payment.

We DO accept partial payments. Just do the maths and make the appropriate payments. We keep a running total and we’ll know when you’ve paid in full.

We accept payments via bank transfer. We also accept immediate payments via credit card using PayPal. Note that we DO pass on the fees that we are charged by PayPal in exchange for this.

Tap on the “Payments” menu option (top right hand corner) to see how much you owe, and what the payment options are.

Bank Transfer

Tapping on the “Bank Transfer” button will show you the bank account numbers to deposit the payment too. Obviously please make the payment to the Classic bank account.

Payment Details

The application will also show you the details to use when making the payment. PLEASE use these details as they allow us to quickly and easily identify who the payment is from. The details shown below are for Brian Ellis, please use the information shown for YOU instead.